It’s been an interesting few months, there has been a lot of overindulging with food and drinks. So, I decided to tackle the 12 day wild rose detox cleanse. The wild rose detox is one that I have done multiple times before and I always finish feeling great and have actually made permanent changes since first trying it.
The detox is fairly straight forward when it comes to what you can and cannot eat, but also comes with a a handy booklet to help along the way.
Since I’ve done this before, I have a few recipes that are my go to. Keep in mind I am Pescatarian, so the recipes below are mainly vegetarian with the addition of eggs and fish, but chicken and meat can also be consumed on this diet.
This program consists of vitamins and drops that are taken twice a day, once with breakfast and once before dinner. Also make sure to drink plenty of water, roughly 8 glasses, to help rid toxins.
Consult a doctor before trying this program if you have any medical concerns.
Fried Rice
3 cup cooked brown rice
3 eggs
1 cup vegetables (carrots, onions, etc)
3 tbsp Braggs Soy Sauce
1 tbsp sesame oil
1. Cook veggies until cooked through
2. Scramble in eggs & sesame oil
3. Add cooked rice and Braggs sauce.
Creamed Corn Soup
4 cups broth (without yeast or sugar)
2 cups frozen or fresh corn
2 eggs whisked
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup cilantro (optional)
1/2 jalapeño sliced (optional)
1. Mix broth and corn in pot over
medium heat for 15 minutes. Use an
emulsion blender to break up corn.
2. Stir in eggs, cook for 1 minute.
3. Add salt and pepper, cilantro and
jalapeño cook for 2 mins.
Overnight Oats
1/2 cup Oats
1/2 cup Almond Milk (unsweetened)
2 Strawberries (mashed)
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tbsp Chia seeds (optional)
1. Mix all ingredients, divide into
containers and chill in fridge
Also check out :
I’ve also found a few premade bowls from revive superfoods that could be used for meal options throughout the cleanse.
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12 Day Food Diary
Day 1:
Scrambled eggs
Bean to Baja- Revive Superfood
Fried Rice
Day 2:
2 Hardboiled Eggs
Sliced Apple
Buddhacado- Revive Superfood
Brown rice and Vegetables
Day 3:
2 Hardboiled Eggs
Overnight Oats
Creamed corn soup
Fish and veggies
Day 4:
Overnight Oats (strawberry)
Sushi- avocado roll with brown rice
Ginger Green Tea
Fresh Salsa and root vegetable chips
Sushi- tuna roll with jalapeño
Day 5:
Overnight Oats
Bean to Baja- Revive Superfood
Fried Rice
Day 6:
Almond Bread
Chickpea Salad
Avocado Sushi
Day 7:
Almond Bread
Herbal Tea
Fresh Salsa, Avocado & Eggs
Eggplant Stew
Day 8:
2 Eggs
Rice Crackers with Almond Butter and Sliced Strawberries
Green Tea
Fish and Steamed Veggies
Day 9:
Overnight Oats (cinnamon and apple)
Corn Soup
Hummus and Carrots
Tofu with Tahini and sesame seeds
Day 10:
2 Sunny side up Eggs
Green Tea
Fried Rice