

Welcome to my blog, sharing my love for DIY’s, Style and Motherhood. Let me take you on my journey.

RK xo

PRODUCT REVIEW: Summer Fridays

PRODUCT REVIEW: Summer Fridays

Instagram is one of those platforms where products get highlighted and advertised by celebrities and beauty bloggers all the time and sometimes it’s very hard to tell if the product will ever really meet up to the expectations they boast.

Summer Fridays is one of these products that I saw EVERYWHERE and just wasn’t sure if it would meet up to the hype. I decided to order both masks at the same time to really get the full experience and decide for myself.  


First off, the packaging did not disappoint and came in true “instagrammable” fashion.


Day 1-

After receiving the package I could not wait to try both products, so I did as instructed.  


Morning Routine- 

1. Washed my face with my regular cleanser. 

2. Used a nickel size amount of the Overtime mask, rubbed it in for 1 minute. 

3. Let the mask sit for at least 10 minutes. 

4. Wash off mask. 

5. Finish the routine with the Jet lag mask


Evening Routine-

1. Remove makeup

2. Cleanse skin

3. Finish with Jet lag mask

After the first time using both products I was instantly impressed by the brightness and glow of my skin!


Day 5-

I used the jet lag mask (moisturizer) every day and night and used the overtime mask (scrub) every other morning. I prefer to use the overtime mask in the morning, but it can also be used at night instead. 

After almost a week of this routine my skin felt so moisturized and a radiant glow, my makeup went on smoother and my skin looked amazing even when wearing no makeup at all. 


Day 14- 

My skin is loving these products, it has really been a true test, not only do I suffer from eczema but with the colder weather setting in, my skin should be dry and flaky. Instead because of these two products my skin has never felt so smooth and hydrated.

My final thoughts of these proctucts are this:

It’s hard to tell what product reviews you can trust on Instagram, it could be a paid ad or someone just initally excited about something before really trying it. Let me say as someone that’s really tried these products, They’re amazing!!

DIY- Christmas Advent Calendar

DIY- Christmas Advent Calendar