

Welcome to my blog, sharing my love for DIY’s, Style and Motherhood. Let me take you on my journey.

RK xo

PRODUCT REVIEW: The Body Shop Himalayan Charcoal Mask

PRODUCT REVIEW: The Body Shop Himalayan Charcoal Mask

I know I can’t be the only one affected by this cold dry weather and my skin hasn’t been very happy. I came across this mask and instantly fell in love!! The Body Shop Himalayan Charcoal mask ($28 CAD) is an amazing product, in just 10 minutes of wearing this mask my skin is glowing and has never felt so good!! 


I started by washing my face with my regular cleanser, to remove any makeup. I then applied the product with a facial brush, a little product goes a long way! 


It instantly starts to dry, you can tell it’s drying by the change in the color and the tightening of your skin. There is a strong tingling sensation for the first few minutes and is a little hard on your eyes because of the strong mint smell but very worth it. After about 10 minutes, you wet you face and start to work the dry product in a circular motion as you would a scrub.  It may take some time to get all the mask off, be patient. 

This product is gentle enough to use up to twice a week, I would probably recommend once a week. 

Final Review: Must try!! Amazing mask that gives you instant results. 

RECIPE: Strawberry Banana Smoothie Bowl

RECIPE: Strawberry Banana Smoothie Bowl