

Welcome to my blog, sharing my love for DIY’s, Style and Motherhood. Let me take you on my journey.

RK xo



When it comes to organizing I’d like to think that I’m on top of it, but to be honest keeping a house organized with 3 kids can be a real challenge!  

When we moved into our home I really missed having a pantry to hold dry food, extra supplies and school snacks. An alternative that I had found helpful was converting a few cupboards into storage space for pantry items. Here is a before of what this “pantry” looked like...


Warning!! This is not a pretty photo! It’s a mess that is easily hidden behind cabinet doors but every time it opens it’s an eyesore. 

I had to do something so I took a little trip to Ikea

After purchasing all the jars and containers I started to remove everything from their boxes and snapped photos of expiry dates and cooking instructions. I placed labels on the jars and was extremely pleased with the result.  


This is the after!! I also made a little book for instructions and labeled expiry dates on the back of each container. 

Even though it’s hidden in cupboard, it’s an extremely satisfying feeling!   

This cereal station is one of my favorite finds from Homesense and the bread box from Stokes

PRODUCT REVIEW: Summer Fridays

PRODUCT REVIEW: Summer Fridays

DIY : Flower Letters

DIY : Flower Letters